103 I, YAHUVEH, Judge You By Your Fruit!

Prophecy 103 I, YAHUVEH, Judge You by Your Fruit! Written/Spoken under the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH through Apostle Elisheva Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu) November 9, 2008 This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisheva not to name this Ministry after a man …

102 YAHUSHUA Says, “It’s Only A Matter of Time!”

Prophecy 102 YAHUSHUA Says, “It’s Only a Matter of Time.” Written/Spoken under the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH through Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu October 17, 2008 During Sukkot This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisheva not to name this Ministry after a …

101 I, YAHUVEH, Say, “Your Actions Speak Louder Than Your…!

Prophecy 101 I, YAHUVEH, Say, “Your Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words.” Written/Spoken under the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH through Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu October 2, 2008 at 3.am. Rosh HaShanah This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisheva not to name …

100 Hebrew Translator Come Forth in the Name of YAHUSHUA..!

Prophecy 100 Hebrew Translator Come Forth in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH! Written/Spoken under the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH through Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu July 12, 2008 This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisheva not to name this Ministry after …

99 Obedience is better than sacrifice. China listen up.

Prophecy 99 Obedience is better than sacrifice. China listen up. Written/Spoken under the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH through Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu May 25, 2008 This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisheva not to name this Ministry after a man or …

98 The Eternal Torch is Lit in Africa Again!

Prophecy 98 The Eternal Torch is Lit in Africa Again! Written/Spoken under the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH through Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu Received May 22, 2008 Released June 3, 2008 This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisheva not to name this …

97 The Wildfire in Africa Will Continue!

Prophecy 97 The Wildfire in Africa Will Continue! Written/Spoken under the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH through Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu Received May 9, 2008 Released June 3, 2008 This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisheva not to name this Ministry after …

96 Year Of Jubilee, YAHUVEH Says, Cast Your Dead Weight Off!

Prophecy 96 Year of Jubilee, YAHUVEH Says, Cast Your Dead Weight Off! Written/Spoken under the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH through Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu May 3, 2008 This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisheva not to name this Ministry after a …

95 YAHUSHUA Says, Pick Up Your Weapon, I AM ALIVE!

Prophecy 95 YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH Says, Pick Up Your Weapon, I Am ALIVE! Written/Spoken under the Anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH through Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu Received Sabbath April 12, 2008 Released Sabbath April 19, 2008 This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago …

94 I, YAHUVEH, Say, Do Not Underestimate MY Anger…!

Prophecy 94 I, YAHUVEH, Say, “Don’t Underestimate MY Anger for it’s been Building Up as a Raging Inferno” Spoken under the Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH Through Apostle, Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu December 22, 2007; “Small Message” Referred to in Prophecy 93 Posted at end – Unsealed portions of Prophet Caleb dream now released. NEW VIDEO COMING SOON… This Word …