2 Thessalonians

-Table Of Contents-
~2Thess Chapter 1 ~

1  Paul and Silvanus and Timothy to the Congregation of the Thessalonians in Elohim the Father and our Master Yahshua Messiah:

2  Grace to you and peace from YAHWEH our Father and our Master Yahshua Messiah.

3  Brothers, we are bound to give thanks to YAHWEH always concerning you, even as it is right, because your faith grows exceedingly, and the love of each one of you multiplies toward one another,

4  so as for us to boast ourselves in you in the Congregations of YAHWEH for your patience and faith in all your persecutions, and the afflictions which you endure,

5  a clear token of the just judgment of YAHWEH, for you to be counted worthy of the kingdom of YAHWEH, for which you indeed suffer;

6  since it is a just thing with YAHWEH to pay back tribulation to those oppressing you,

7  and to give you, those being oppressed, relief with us at the revelation of the Master Yahshua from Heaven with the host of His cherubs,

8  in flaming fire giving full vengeance to those not knowing YAHWEH, and to those not obeying the good news of our Master Yahshua Messiah,

9  For these at the judgment day will be recompensed with eternal destruction, from the presence of our Master, and from the glory of his power;

10  when He comes to be glorified by His saints, and to be admired in all those who believe in that Day, because our testimony to you was believed.

11  For which we also continually pray concerning you, that our Elohim would deem you worthy of the calling, and would fulfill all your desires which are for goodness, and the works of faith with power,

12  so that the name of our Master Yahshua Messiah may be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our Elohim and of our Master Yahshua Messiah.

~2Thess Chapter 2 ~

1  And, brothers, we entreat you, by the coming of our Master Yahshua Messiah, and of our gathering together to Him,

2  that you not let your mind be hastily excited or troubled, neither by word, nor by spirit, nor by prophecy of the spirit, nor by an epistle, supposedly coming from us, stating that the day of our Master is at hand.

3  Do not let anyone deceive you in any way, because that Day will not come unless first there comes a great rebellion, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,

4  the one opposing and exalting himself over everything being called Elohim, or object of reverence, so as for him “To sit in the sanctuary of Elohim” as an El, and sets himself forth, as if he is an Elohim.

5  Do you not remember that I told you these things, when I was with you?

6  And now you know what has prevented him, for being revealed in his time.

7  For the mystery of lawlessness is already working, until He who is now the obstacle, is taken out of the way.

8  And then “the Lawless One” will be exposed, “whom our Master Yahshua will consume by the spirit of His mouth,” and will destroy by the brightness of His presence.

9  His coming is due to the working of Satan in all power and miraculous signs and lying wonders,

10  and in all deceit of unrighteousness in those who will perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth in order for them to be saved.

11  And because of this, YAHWEH will send to them a working of deception, for them to believe the lie,

12  that those not believing in the truth, but who have delighted in unrighteousness all may be damned.

13  But we ought to thank YAHWEH always concerning you, brothers, beloved by YAHWEH, because YAHWEH chose you from the beginning to salvation in sanctification of the Spirit and through a true faith,

14  to which He called you through our preaching, to be the glory of our Master Yahshua Messiah.

15  So, then, brothers, stand firm and strongly hold the commandments you were taught, whether by word or by our epistle.

16  But may our Master Himself, Yahshua Messiah, and our Elohim and Father, the One having loved us and having given everlasting comfort and good hope by grace,

17  encourage your hearts, and may He establish you in every good word and work.

~2Thess Chapter 3 ~

1  For the rest, brethren, pray concerning us, that the Word of our Master may run and be glorified, even as also it has with you,

2  and that we may be delivered from perverse and evil men. For faith is not in all men.

3  But YAHWEH is faithful who will establish and will guard you from the evil.

4  But we are persuaded in YAHWEH as to you, that whatever things we have commanded you, you both are doing and you will continue to do.

5  And the Master direct your hearts into the love of YAHWEH and into the patience of Messiah.

6  And we command you, brothers, in the name of our Master Yahshua Messiah, to shun every brother which leads an evil life, and not according to the doctrines which you received from us.

7  For ye know how ye ought to imitate us, for our behavior was not disorderly among you.

8  nor did we eat bread from anyone for nothing, but by labor and toil, working night and day in order not to burden anyone of you.

9  Not that we do not have the authority, but that we gave ourselves as an example to you, for you to act like us.

10  For even when we were with you, we commanded this to you: If anyone is not willing to work, neither let him eat.

11  For we hear some are walking among you and lead an evil life, not working at all, but being busybodies.

12  Now such persons, we command and exhort, by our Master Yahshua the Messiah, that in quietness they work, and eat their own bread.

13  And you, brethren, do not lose heart in well doing.

14  But if anyone does not obey our Word through this epistle, mark that one, and do not associate with him, that he be shamed.

15  But do not count him as an enemy, but warn him as a brother.

16  And may the Master of peace Himself continually give peace to you in every way. Our Master be with all of you.

17  The salutation in the writing of my own hand, I Paul have written it; and it is the seal in all my epistles, this is the way I write.

18  The grace of our Master Yahshua Messiah be with you all. Amen.